Aaron Headshot

I started my fitness journey 12 years ago as a scrawny, anxious mess. As someone who has always been eager to learn, I quickly became obsessed with exercise science, physiology and programming methods. When I was not at the gym or at school, I was home finishing my macronutrients for the day and absorbing as much training information as I could process. 


I quickly started writing programs for friends and classmates throughout high school and college and celebrated their progression. The gym has always been a constant in my life, teaching me lessons that I will utilize and pass on forever.


Today I am a (less anxious) national level powerlifter and coach holding a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychological Sciences. This combination of educational backgrounds and Elite level powerlifting experience makes for a well-rounded personal trainer. 


It has also granted me the gift of effectively working with clients with pre-existing medical conditions ranging from Multiple Sclerosis to Idiopathic Pancreatitis. Although my expertise lies within strength training and hypertrophy, I am passionate about training clients regardless of their goals, age, or level of experience. 


One personal training super power I possess is emotional intelligence, understanding my clients’ individual needs and preferences is crucial! When it comes to fitness, consistency is king. If you continue to show up with some discipline and mental toughness, you will yield a lifetime of physical and mental well-being.

My approach to personal training is evidence-based, empowering and tailored to each client’s individual goals, history and learning process. I believe in promoting a discipline over motivation mindset that allows others to challenge themselves while falling in love with the process along the way. Seeing my clients crush goals they once found unachievable is what fuels me. As a competitive powerlifter, powerlifting coach and former behavioral neuroscience research assistant, I guarantee a well-rounded, rewarding and methodical training experience.

Aaron Gidman

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

I am passionate about training clients regardless of their goals, age or level of experience. If you continue to show up with some discipline and mental toughness, you will yield a lifetime of physical and mental well-being.

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